Contemporary conversations on authorship in Applied Linguistics: a literature review

Ana Paula Carvalho Schmidt, Desirée MOTTA-ROTH


Authorship attribution has been a concern across disciplines, from Information Science (MIRANDA et al, 2007; VANZ; STUMPF, 2010) to Medicine (GRIEGER, 2005; MONTEIRO, 2004; PETROIANU, 2002). With this in mind, we aim at providing an overview on Conversations (GEE, 1999) about authorship in the field of Applied Linguistics from 2012 to 2015. Drawing on Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992, 2003), we review nine articles published in well-known Applied Linguistics journals. The results indicated that there are four different perspectives from which authorship is addressed: dialogicity, responsibility, ideological positioning and intellectual property. Quoting and paraphrasing were the most cited practices in association with the concept of dialogicity as a form of exercising authorship in the academic context.


authorship; academic literacies; Applied Linguistics.

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