Experience in creating a bilingual paronym dictionary for foreign language learners

Anna Pavlova, Olga Gleiser


In this paper, we would like to present a new version of a German-Russian and Russian-German paronym dictionary. This book is a pioneering work and so far unique of its kind to serve as a reference work for foreign language learners (Russian or German as L2 language), warning them of the dangers of confusing similar sounding words in their spoken language. The previous edition (PAVLOVA; SVETOZAROVA, 2012) includes many types of paronyms which are described in the paper, but this work needs to be expanded by more keywords and paronym groups. The previous version of this Dictionary will also be extended by a few more classes of paronyms. The Dictionary is primarily aimed at two target groups consisting of foreign language (L2) learners. In this case, these are Russians who learn German and Germans who learn Russian as second language. For L2 learners, the difference between words with high and low neighborhood density is larger than for native speakers. This is proven by both the “Slips of the tongue” Corpus we created and by modern psycholinguistic studies to which we refer in this paper. This is the reason why we include more paronym pairs and groups in our Dictionary than traditional reference works of this kind do. In this paper, we describe different types of paronyms, explain our methods for the selection of keywords, and clarify the structure of our Dictionary.


Paronym. Dictionary. Foreign Language Learning.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22168/2237-6321-11esp2097


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